Mad Max: Fury Road - Official Main Trailer [HD]
Atari 800XL ile başlayan ve en büyük tutkularımdan birine dönüşen her türlü platformdaki oyunlarla ilgili yazılarım burada.
En sevdiğim hobilerimden biri olan fotoğrafçılık ile ilgili çalışmalarım, denemelerim ve haberler...
hahahah bana böyle fimlerle gelin:D
Directed by Quentin Dupieux. With Stephen Spinella, Roxane Mesquida, Wings Hauser, Jack Plotnick. A homicidal car tire, discovering it has destructive psionic power, sets its sights on a desert town once a mysterious woman becomes its obsession.
The ‘Walking Dead’ prequel takes aim at the origins of the zombie apocalypse.
20th Century Fox has acquired film rights to the hit sci-fi short ‘The Leviathan’, with Neill Blomkamp and Simon Kinberg producing.
US-based toy company Budsies can make any child a toy designer by transforming their drawings into real, accurately recreated plushies. Now, any child can experience the magic of seeing their fantasy characters come to life!
Credit:BoredPanda Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler – the creative duo known as Wumo – has created a brilliant series of graphs that illustrate some of the basic painful truths of everyday life in the Western world. Their graphs and diagrams are snarky and sarcastic but, for the most part, true. This,…
Check out these clever innovations that everyone should know about. Some of them already exist in certain parts of the world whereas others are concept ideas hoping to go into production.
South Korean artist Do Ho Suh has jaw-dropping large scale sculptures and installations.
Singapore-based artist Keng Lye creates near life-like sculptures of animals relying on little but paint, resin and a phenomenal sense of perspective. Lye slowly fills bowls, buckets, and boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and resin, creating aquatic animal life that lo
Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst is here to remind you that he is not, in fact, accused murderer Robert Durst.I am NOT ROBERT A photo posted by Limp Bizkit (@limpbizkit) on Mar 26, 2015 at 5:57pm PDT Durst — the one whose band once released an album called Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water — posted a photo on Thursday showing him in a gray sweatshirt that reads “NOT ROBERT.” In case that didn’t get the point across, he captioned the photo, “I am NOT ROBERT.” Unfortunately, there wasn’t a follow up picture of Durst — the one who was caught on tape during filming for the HBO documentary The Jinx saying he killed people — wearing a sweatshirt that said “I am NOT FRED.” Durst — the one who famously declared he “did it all for the nookie” — likely posted the photo in response to The Associated Press getting the Dursts confused and erroneously reporting on March 16 that “an arrest warrant was issued for the former Limp Bizkit frontman.” AP issued a correction, but the damage was already done: The nation once again was talking about Limp Bizkit.
Antik dönemde Latmos adını taşıyan Beşparmak-Dağları (Aydın ve Muğla illeri arasında Bafa Gölü’nün doğusunda olup) coğrafi açıdan Batı Anadolu’nun en etkileyici ve arkeolojik açıdan en zengin bölgelerinden biridir. En erken dönemlerden itibaren Latmos kutsal dağlar arasında yerini almıştır. Zirvesinde eski Anadolulu Fırtına Tanrısı ile yerel bir dağ tanrısı kutsanmaktaydı. Burası aynı zamanda bir yağmur ve bereket kültünün merkezi olarak görev görüyordu. Sosyo-kültürel değişimlere rağmen bu kült geleneği Osmanlı Dönemine kadar devam etmiştir. Ancak madencilik faaliyetleri nedeniyle bu bölgenin coğrafi güzelliği ve tarihsel anıtları gün geçtikçe zarar görmektedirler. Uzun bir süreden beri burada Feldspat minerali çıkartılmaktadır. Bu hammadde ise seramik, cam ve sıhhi malzeme üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. Böylece “kutsal dağ” Latmos’sun - 500 milyon yıllık benzersiz güzellikteki kayaçları - şiddetli bir değişime uğrayarak banyo seramiği olarak son bulması söz konusudur. Son yıllarda madencilik konusundaki teşvikler ve vergilerin azaltılması ile buradaki çalışmalar da büyük oranda artmış ve artık dağlarda yer alan tarihöncesi kaya resimlerini tehdit etmektedir. 1994 yılında arkeolog Dr. Anneliese Peschlow tarafından keşfedilen kaya resimleri MÖ 6.-5. binyıla tarihlenmekte olup, son yıllarda Anadolu Arkeolojisinin en önemli keşifleri arasındadır. Sayıları 170‘i aşan resim repertuarında ağırlıklı olarak yerleşik hayata geçişe bağlı olarak toplumsal değişimi yansıtan aile betimlemeleri yer almaktadır. Akdeniz havzasında ve tüm Önasya’da bu resim sanatı örnekleri eşsizdir. Feldspat mineral madenciliğine derhal son verilmezse Anadolu ve Ege yegâne bir arkeolojik/doğa değerini kaybedecektir. Latmos, 8000 yıllık bir dönemi kapsayan bir Açıkhava müzesi konumundadır. Ayrıca kayaların doğal aşınmaları nedeniyle dünyada az görünen bir coğrafya parkı niteliği taşımaktadır. Burada yetişmiş fıstık çamı ormanları (Pinus pinea) Türkiye’nin en büyükleri arasında yer alır. Dünya Doğayı Koruma Vakfı’na (WWF) göre doğal bitki örtüsünün zenginliği, nadir, endemik ve tehlike altındaki bitki türleriyle Beşparmak Dağları botanik bilimi açısından Türkiye’nin 122 Önemli Bitki Alanı’ndan biridir. Büyük bir bölümü “acil” koruma ihtiyacında olan bu alanlar ve barındırdıkları biyoçeşitliliğin gelecek kuşaklara güvenli bir şekilde aktarılmasını sağlamak borcumuzdur. Bölgenin botanik bilimi açısından çok önemli olan florasında 7’si endemik toplam 22 adet tehlike altında bitki tak-sonu yer almaktadır. Bunlardan 2 tanesi “küresel”, 6’sı “Avrupa ölçeğinde”, 14’ü ise ulu-sal ölçekte tehlike altındadır. Bir siklamen türü olan Cyclamen mirabile ile bir orkide türü olan Comperia comperiana, ülkemizin de taraf olduğu Bern Sözleşmesi gereğince korunması gereken türlerdir. Bu dağlar aynı zamanda ülkemizdeki beş yabani kedi türünden biri olan Karakulak (Caracal caracal) ile tehlike altında bulunan Akkuyruklu Kartal (Haliaeetus albicilla) ın son doğal yaşam alanlarıdır. Antik çağda Latmos olarak bilinen Beşparmak Dağları, yukarıda kısaca anılan özellikleriyle tam bir milli park olma potansiyeli taşımakta ve son yıllarda alternatif turizm faaliyetleri yapmak isteyen seyahat acentelerinin ziyaretçilerin giderek artan boyutlarda ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu bölgeyi turizme açmak için büyük bir bütçe gerekmemektedir. Yerel halk da bu turizmden faydalanabilirken, şu anda yürütülen madencilik faaliyetlerinden dolayı (ağaç kesimi, toz ve doğa tahribatları gibi) hayat kalitesi olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Halkın büyük bir bölümünün geçim kaynağı çamfıstığı, zeytin, bal üretimi ve hayvancılığa dayanmaktadır. Bugün için bu kaynaklar birçok yerde tüketilmiş durumdadır. Rüzgâr tarafından havaya karışan ve yağmur sulariyla tarım arazilerine giren maden tozu ise yerel halkın sağlığını da tehdit etmektedir. Aynı zamanda 6 yerlesim biriminden gecen maden kamyonları nedeniyle ulasim yolu kullanılamaz hale gelmektedir Latmos’taki köylerin arasında en çok etkilenmiş olanı Karakaya Köyüdür. Feldspat minerali Türkiye’de başka bölgelerde de bulunmaktadır, oysa Latmos dünya kültür ve doğa mirası yönünden eşsizdir. Yukarıda açıklanan nedenlerden dolayı, NABU-Derneği Almanya, WWF-Türkiye, ve Kuşadası’nda yerleşik doğa koruma derneği EKODOSD, Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC) İtalya ve Association pour le Rayonnement de l’Art Pariétal Européen (ARAPE) Fransa ile birlikte Latmos’un korunmaya alınıp Milli Park ilan edilmesini talep ediyoruz. Saygılarımla,
Korku filmi gibi..çok üzüldüm
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of the doomed Germanwings jet barricaded himself in the cockpit and “intentionally” sent the plane full speed into a mountain in the French Alps, ignoring the pilot’s frantic pounding on the door and the screams of terror from passengers, a prosecutor said Thursday.
Robotech Filmiiiii!!!!
Sony Pictures has secured rights to the popular anime series “Robotech” and views the project as a potential film franchise. The studio hopes to move quickly into production on the live-action feat…
The Superman films have done many things right through the years, but even Gene Hackman couldn’t give the franchise a solid take on the Man of Steel’s best-known adversary.This is the first image…
Prepare to fall in love and have your heart broken at the same time: this adorable creature that you’ve probably never heard of, the Ili Pika, is also one of the rarest and most endangered creatures in the world. Their population in their native China is estimated to have dropped to less than 1,000, and these photos are of the first one that has been spotted in 20 years.
Archaeologists have discovered an important clue at the burial site of the mysterious “Red Lady of el Miron.”The grave site in northern Spain, which dates to roughly 18,700 years ago, has baffled historians since its discovery was announced. The woman’s remains are next to a block tinted with red ochre, Ancient Origins reports, and the woman was buried with flowers. The red ochre also tints some of the woman’s remains. In addition, the cave where she was buried contains thousands of stone artifacts and animal bones. Historians knew the site was important, because it is the first Magdalenian Age burial site found on the Iberian Peninsula, but they didn’t know what to make of the site. The Magdalenian Age, during the Upper Paleolithic, took place 19,000 to 11,000 year ago, Ancient Origins explains. The researchers estimate the woman was between 35 and 40 years old when she died. Now, archaeologists excavating the cave have discovered a limestone block they believe is the woman’s tombstone. The block features a triangular engraving, which they believe represents the female pubic bone. The findings are described in the March issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science. “The lines seem to be sort of random, but there is a motif that is a triangle — repeated lines that make a V-shape,” Lawrennce Guy Straus, an archaeologist from the University of New Mexico who led the excavation, told New Scientist. “What is being represented, at least by some of these lines, might be a female person. Conceivably, this block serves as some kind of marker.” The team hopes the gravestone will better explain the elaborate grave site, which could help historians understand Paleolithic cultures’ burial rituals.
Orlando Bloom’s love life may be the topic of many a headline but it’s his role as humanitarian that has us talking today. The 38-year-old star used his celebrity for a good cause, concluding a four-day visit to Liberia on Monday that made him the first high profile personality to visit since the beginning of the Ebola outbreak. “Everyone I met was determined to beat Ebola so that they can resume their normal lives,” the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador said in a statement after meeting with religious and youth leaders in the capital city of Monrovia. “Communities have been at the center of the fight against Ebola and must continue to be supported because of their crucial role in getting to zero cases.” Check out the video to see more from Orlando’s trip and tune in to “The Insider With Yahoo” on TV tonight for the latest in entertainment news.
Ring’deki kız artık korkutmuyor:D
We break down why John Christopher’s “The Sword of the Spirits” trilogy could be a lucky network’s “Game of Thrones.”
At the premiere for “Game of Thrones” Season 5, George R.R. Martin updated fans about his progress on the “Song of Ice and Fire” books.
NASA may be one step closer to finding life on Mars.Scientists studying samples from NASA’s Curiosity rover have discovered evidence of nitrates in Martian rocks. Nitrogen compounds are essential for life on Earth, The Los Angeles Times explains, so the find could have significance for those studying Mars. The findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers searching for life on Mars have searched for organic carbon, but nitrogen could also be an important clue, the study authors wrote. RNA and DNA, as well as amino acids, contain nitrogen. The Martian rock samples contained nitric oxide, which the researchers believe originated from nitrates. The scientists believes the nitrates were the result of a “thermal shock” to the planet, such as an asteroid collision or lightning strike, the Times reports. Researchers are now studying whether nitrate creation is still occurring on Mars.
Forget ISIS, plane crashes, your student loan, Hillary’s emails, interest rates, Vladimir Putin, the Iran Deal, Ted Cruz, and anything else that keeps you up at night. Nemanja Kaloper at the University of California, Davis and Antonio Padilla at the University of Nottingham have “proposed a mechanism” for cosmological collapse.
Black Desert Online Ginger Sorceress Character Creation 60FHD
Sırf bu kısmını oyun diye satsalar alırım sadhasdhashdasd
Soul Clash allegedly copies elements from Blizzard’s Warcraft games, Blizzard alleges in a new suit.
World Joyland (环球动漫嬉戏谷, Huánqiú Dòngmàn Xīxì Gǔ) better known as the Warcraft
"Oh, if you have tattoos, you must be into group sex."
Suzie Barrie goes to her local tattoo parlour every week to get a new, stick-on tattoo.
A World of Warcraft patch set for release today includes the structure on which $20 WoW Tokens will be based, according to a pair of posts this week. WoW Tokens, which will allow players to securely exchange in-game gold and game time, will arrive in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game “at a future date,” sometime after today’s patch. The $20 WoW Tokens will sell for “roughly equivalent in each local currency,” and the starting price is designed to fluctuate. “Because the Token exchange has to start somewhere, we will be setting the initial gold value of the WoW Token ourselves,” the post reads.
If you’re a Paul Walker fan, you may want to get your tissues out for this inside look at ‘Furious 7.’
The superstar is turning in her blue skin after the next film
Bana böyle moda ile gelin
The Intel Edison-powered Spider Dress blends fashion, robotics and wearable technology to express the wearer’s emotions and protect their personal space.
3D modelling for 3D printing made easy
Want to get your kids interested in 3D printing… or take a stab at it yourself? Autodesk has a cool new app that makes it incredibly easy — and incredibly fun — to […]
Daha o kadar popüler değil ama yeni sarı kıyafet/mavi kıyafet olayı:D
Do you see a green hourglass with a slightly purple background? If you can’t, don’t worry: only one in 15 people can.
Türk oyunu Voidrunner, Steam Greenlightta yerini aldı! - Türk yapımcı Kemal Çiftçioğlunun Unreal Engine 4 ile geliştirdiği uçuş & refleks oyunu Voidrunner, Steam’in Greenlight bölümünde boy göstermeye başladı. Süre bitmeden çeşitli engeller ve… - Merlin’in Kazanı
Aircraft and military manufacturer Boeing has been granted a patent on a system that is designed to prevent explosion shockwaves from harming a target.
When they aren’t digging up ancient graves or…
(—The possibility that other universes exist beyond our own universe is tantalizing, but seems nearly impossible to test. Now a group of physicists has suggested that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest particle collider in the world, may be able to uncover the existence of parallel …
Babalık da böyle bir şey:)
Being a good dad can be hard work â sometimes, they’ve got to be soft as pillows, and other times, they have to be tough as nails. This list is to celebrate some of the best examples of fatherhood that we’ve ever seen on the internet â through thick or thin, they’ll be there for their kids!
The untold human suffering and property damage left in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan has been well-documented, but there’s another population that suffered greatly that few have discussed â the animals left behind in the radioactive exclusion zone. One man, however, hasn’t forgotten them…
Sony renews The Last Guardian’s trademark again
As of March 12, a new trademark for a Last Guardian game has been filed by Sony in the US.
Compulsion Games’ We Happy Few has a striking BioShock-esque art style, a terrific Brave New World-inspired premise and survival mechanics akin to Don’t Starve. But after playing it for about 20…
pardon da sıkıntınız yani japoncuklarım
Rosy undereyes started popping up in Tokyo street snaps during the last few years and peaked in Japanese beauty forecasts last fall. This Japanese beauty trend is all about looking slightly “sick.”
Alien vs Predator filmindeki gibi:D
Russian scientists have now discovered seven giant craters in remote Siberia, a geologist told AFP on Thursday, adding that the mysterious phenomenon was believed to be linked to climate change. A YouTube video of the hole went viral and a group of scientists was despatched to investigate. “We have just learnt that in Yakutia, new information has emerged about a giant crater one kilometre (0.6 miles) in diameter,” the deputy director of the Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasily Bogoyavlensky, told AFP. All of the craters have been discovered in the remote energy-rich Yamalo-Nenetsky region in north-western Siberia.
Japanese scientists have succeeded in transmitting energy wirelessly, in a key step that could one day make solar power generation in space a possibility, an official said Thursday. While the distance was not huge, the technology could pave the way for mankind to eventually tap the vast amount of solar energy available in space and use it here on Earth, a spokesman for The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said. Solar power generation in space has many advantages over its Earth-based cousin, notably the permanent availability of energy, regardless of weather or time of day. While man-made satellites, such as the International Space Station, have long since been able to use the solar energy that washes over them from the sun, getting that power down to Earth where people can use it has been the thing of science fiction.
It looks like a corncob in an abstract way archaeologists say. Jack Hunter, a diver with the Arroyo Pesquero archaeological project, discovered the artifact in 2012 while diving with Jeffery Delsescaux about 2 to 3 meters (6.6 to 9.8 feet) below the surface of a deep stream. The artifact dates to a time when a civilization now called the Olmec flourished in the area. The Olmec people built stone statues of giant human heads and constructed a city now called “La Venta” about 10 miles (16 kilometers) northeast of Arroyo Pesquero.
An expedition team of scientists and archeologists has unearthed the ruins of an ancient civilization in a part of the Honduran jungle that’s being described as the most undisturbed tract of rainforest in Central America. For lead archeologist Christopher Fisher of Colorado State University, it was his interaction with an angry spider monkey that helped him realize the importance of his team’s discovery.
Off ne mükemmel bir oyuncakk
This fast, rugged yet nimble addition to the Parrot MiniDrones collection, performs acrobatics as never seen before – rolling, spinning and jumping
Pure Awesomeness
Rita Ora teams up with adidas Originals to deliver some comic book inspired kicks in five different varieties. With bold, bright colors and playful graphics,
Sonunda USB super position olayı bitmiş:D
CNET editor Dong Ngo explains the USB standard and the significance of the latest USB Type-C.
Researchers have found rare satellite dwarf galaxies and candidate dwarf galaxies in orbit around our Milky Way, the largest number of such satellites ever found in one go.
A brief passage in a new Star Wars novel called Heir to the Jedi may explain the technology behind a controversial new lightsaber.There was much to talk about when the first trailer for Star Wars:…
It’s official: AMC is moving forward with its ‘Walking Dead’ companion series.
Akira is wonderful. The Simpsons is wonderful. Put them together and you get something pretty special.